
Multi-Book Educator Kits

Creating a Foundation of Fun with Reading, Music, and Love

The Educator Kits boost learning and engagement!

Research shows that reading, singing, dancing, and playing with young children improves outcomes for early learning and accelerates development across domains. provides educators with tools to effectively teach skills that predict school success. The program utilizes music and play-filled activity to help children learn and practice skills for social-emotional development, language, and literacy.

What's included in an Educator Kit?


What comes with the kit?

Each kit comes with:

  • Full-color, high quality picture books, each based on a fun song text. Each is guaranteed to engage the hearts and minds of young children.
  • Downloadable songs that complement and extend the lessons taught in the books.
  • Interactive music videos to watch with your children that help them see the skill in action as they dance and sing.
  • Instructional videos for teachers with gestures, actions, and signed words to help you teach the targeted skills.
  • Activity guides packed with learning activities to help you playfully teach the targeted skill of the book as you enjoy quality time with your children.
  • Printable pages for families with access to sing along and watch the music video, as they partner with you to continue learning at home!
  • Printable pages for kids to reinforce and extend learning!

Why did you add more books for the youngest learners?

Anne recognized the importance of learning language and social-emotional skills from birth through kindergarten and wanted to make certain that infants and toddlers had new books to support growth in communicating wants and needs, enjoying pretend play, and managing emotions.

Why do most of the new early learning books focus on language?

Communication is essential for toddlers, paving the way for every aspect of their development. Lack of language skills are often the single most significant cause of frustration and challenging behaviors for them. They need the skills that make possible expression of wants, needs, and emotions.

Why are toddlers often referred to as “Terrible Twos?”

Toddlers crave opportunities for independence. They want to assert their autonomy and need to believe they have control and choice in their lives. This dynamic can set parent and child up for some spectacular meltdowns and power struggles. These behaviors are all a normal and essential part of a toddler’s development. You can reduce toddler frustration by helping them learn to use words to let you know what they want. It is also the perfect age and stage to begin to label big feelings and to notice the feelings of others. Practicing these skills within loving relationships with caring adults will help “Terrible Twos” become “Terrific Two’s!”


Add Spanish Versions 
to your Kit Resources

Supplement your 
teaching journey with bilingual versions of selected books to sing and read.